Move the transmission closer to the flywheels so the engine fits the frame and no primary chain adjuster is needed.
Put the transmission trap door on the right side, where it belongs.
Keep the dry sump, but put the oil inside the engine.
Combine the engine and transmission oil systems. Correct the oiling problems. Correct the breathing problems.
Provide inter-changeable covers for wet or dry clutch as well as cone and early camshafts.
Adopt late-model planetary electric starter like 1981 bikes.
As Derek Zoolander said about Magnum, OSARM is nowhere near ready and I shouldn't even be talking about it. I started this complete case redesign after doing half-measures, like making a steel kick-shaft support so that that I could remove the sprocket cover, which kept cracking.
I used Solidworks to model the existing components, and have started to design a new set of cases around those.
Alex Maier, a VP at General Motors once talked about how a product needs a maestro, that oversees its design. I feel that like a building, every product needs engineers, architects, and interior decorators. I have tried to architect these case to solve a lot of engineering problems. I will add to this post over the rest of 2015 to explain my rationals for the various changes.
You can see there are no clutch release, and the primary and oil reservoir don't have bolts yet. Ross Perot was right, the Devil is in the details. |