[Update:] I did these posts to remind me what I own after I
unpacked from the move to Florida. Turns out having the pictures of what is in the tubs has been a great help figuring out where the heck things
are and what I still have versus what I have sold on eBay.
There have been several times when I needed some part, and rather than go dig
through the box, I could just look at these pictures. I am lucky to have them on a website where I can see them anywhere, but you could take
picture like this and keep them on your hard drive to remind you of what you have. Also, if a Hurricane hits, I will be ready for the insurance,
since I have pictures of all this stuff.
The latest use I had was looking for a carb needle for my 1979, that has been acting up. I
thought it was ignition, but now it looks like a sticking float needle. I found some pictures here, but I knew I had some new rebuild kits
somewhere. Turns out there were in some gasket drawers I made up. I will post that soon, but it was just so nice to know where everything is
without digging through boxes.
Since it was so nice to know I
had some floats in this carb box, I took the time to organize the baggies I had tossed in before, that you see above. Now I have some set
up like as follows. |