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Billet heads, AME

This head is designed in AutoCAD's AME 3-D solid modeler.
Here is the CAD file:

AutoCad introduced AME in Release 11 and dropped it in release 12. Yet another reason to never ever use any AutoDesk products. Since AutoCad dropped the kludged-on AME, all the work on this design was wasted. It does open and edit in the wonderful TurboCAD, a much better product than anything AutoCAD has ever done. TurboCAD is a boolean modeler, so it is nowhere near as powerful as Solidworks, which is a parametric modeler with good assembly support.
Bottom of first column move down to the left

This is the paperspace or "Layout" tab, as TurboCAD calls it.
move up a little to the right This is the end.

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border bar
Bottom of first column This is the end.