A commentary on iron Sportsters
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Setting up the Design section

I first built the design section of the site using page. That was because pages let you chose a folder. That blew up because the URLs got too long.

By SportsterPaul on June 4, 2011 9:53 PM

So I kept the folder structure, but switched to entries for the parts or designs. That left 5 page IDs orphaned, 22. 23, 24, 25, 1nd 26. Those go along with the orphans for the three default pages Movable Type made, Contact (8), About (9), Welcome to our new website! (10). I will erase the pages now but I am pretty sure that Movable Type will not assign the page.blog IDs that got used to new entries.

Besides shorter URLs, the entries also have categories. I made the main categories major sections like Engine, Chassis, Front_end. I created suitable sub-categories under that. I was happy to see that you can have sub-sub-categories. The category listing widget nests and indents them properly. The main index archive page just lists them flat.

Another nice thing about using entries is that the categories can make individual pages based on the category archive index template that I have set to %C.html. You have to take care that no sub-sub-categories have the same name since they will over-write themselves.

All this work is to ready the structure of the HARM section, and this might even point a way to automate the BOM section.

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