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Shifter carrier screw

This screw retains the plungers in the early design carrier.

This screw is not called out as a separate part until 1961.

Sportster_Trap-doorsThe Iron Sportster trap door assembly holds the mainshaft, countershaft, and shifter mechanism.

The Iron Sportster shifter comes as the 34009-52 assembly.
Bottom of first column move down to the left


Sportster_1658A_Shifter-carrier-screw_1052-1971.jpgThe countersunk screw is staked in to keep it in place.

Nominal size 6-32 x 7/16 countersink.

1978 parts book calls out "Pozidrive" ie, Philips head. Perhaps that is what started in 1961, whereas all earlier carriers used this straight-slot screw.
move up a little to the right This is the end.