Two snap rings hold the mainshaft roller bearing into the trap door.
35631-54 1954-1972
35631-73 1973-1984
Added when the trap door w2as introduced in the 1954 K-model.
This part collects oil in the cross-hole and directs it into a little spigot that runs in a hole in the end of the countershaft. From there the oil goes to the gear bearing.
The Iron Sportster trap door assembly holds the mainshaft, countershaft, and shifter mechanism. There are two of the late-model oilers on the left. The shorter part on the right is the -54 part..
The shorter part on the right is the -54 part.
In 1973, in concert with moving the speedometer drive gear out of the transmission, the oiler was lengthened.
Two of the -73 parts, note cross hole is not accurately located.